Prayer When In Need Of Help
O Mother of Perpetual Help, numerous clients continually surround thy holy picture, all imploring thy mercy. All bless thee as the assured help of the miserable; all feel the benefit of thy motherly protection. With confidence, then, do we present ourselves before thee in our misery.
See, dear Mother, the many evils to which we are exposed; see how numerous are our wants. Trials and sorrows often depress us; reverses of fortune and privations, often grievous, bring misery into our lives; everywehere we meet the cross.
Have pity, compassionate Mother, on us and on our dear ones, especially in this our necessity.
[Mention your intention here…]
Help us, dear Mother, in our distress; deliver us from all our ills; or, if it be the will of God that we should suffer still longer, grant that we may endure all with love and patience.
These graces we expect of thee with confidence, because thou art our Perpetual Help.